Thursday, November 29, 2018

Poem: Glenn Robert Wyder May 28, 1957 - November 25, 2018,

Glenn Robert Wyder

Before time beginnings ago,
   God imagines a Glenn,
     and each of us,
         carriers of Divine self,
    breathing grace,
  demonstrating integrity,
and sharing hopeful love.

More than six decades ago
   Glenn begins a mission
     with full throated
       announcing of faith
     that this world
   needs listen to these
continuing incarnations.

More than forty years ago
   Glenn becomes known
     by Florence who
       dares sharing dreams
     that a holy space
   is claimed between
two foolish loving mortals.

More than a thousand days ago
    Glen came here to us
        as if he belonged
          in church and this town
       by laughing deeply,
   planning with integrity,
and by living compassionately.

Today, anew, we're giving thanks
    for Glenn's all too brief
       bodily time with us
           as friend and good neighbor
       brightening our lives
    encouraging our hopes
and sharing his rich spirit.

The tomorrows are coming
      when still hearing the laugh,
          recalling the wisdom
             we'll continue giving thanks
           by sharing his vision
     when we least expect it
by reliving his love again.
                                                                                   tom wilson +

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Reflection for Christ the King Sunday

A Reflection for Christ the King Sunday         St. George's Episcopal Church, Engelhard, N.C. 
November 25, 2018                                         Thomas E. Wilson, Supply Preacher and Celebrant
Christ the King: Ultimate Loyalty
To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty?

In the Gospel lesson for today, Pilate, the Roman representative of the Empire, sees Jesus as a threat to the ultimate loyalty to the Empire. “Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

When I was an infant my father took an engineering job in a Central American Country, El Salvador. We retained our US citizenship but we also had to answer to the laws of El Salvador which had a history of repressive regimes. We spent almost five years there and I spoke Spanish as much as I did English. When we moved to a small town in Pennsylvania for me to enter the 1st grade and my older brother the 2nd grade. He and I would speak Spanish to each other on the school bus. That ended when we kept being beaten up by 3rd and 4th graders who thought we were invaders and didn't really belonged in this country. Because we wanted to fit in we refused to speak Spanish anymore. Later, I would flunk Spanish in college. About a dozen years ago our County Commissioners played with the issue of who belongs when they were considering that every thing needed to be in English only. I spoke at a meeting and shared my experience telling them that I expected bullying from 3rd graders but not from my elected officials. When I was younger my loyalty was to fit in to the bigger group, when I got older my loyalty was to be true to myself.

To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty?

Something special in this Diocese happened ten days ago; Bishop Skirving and his wife Sandy officially became United States citizens. I was one of the members of the Bishop's Search Committee that considered him when he was still a Canadian working in a church in Michigan on a Green Card. No one on that committee brought up the fear that he was one of those foreigners taking away American jobs. What we looked at was the gifts that he had been given by God to serve as a minister of Christ in this Diocese in this part of the State of North Carolina in these United States. No one seriously asked if he was more faithful to his native country or to the Lordship of his Savior, Jesus Christ.

To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty? 
The Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Season After Pentecost, used to be called the Last Sunday after Trinity when I was baptized in the Episcopal Church as a newborn in Missouri. The name change came about as we entered in serious Ecumenical discussions in the 1950's with other parts of the wider Church and reflected on the history of how Christianity had been used.

When the Roman Empire fell, the church was one of the few institutions that could provide some stability during the Barbarian invasions. The church took over the rule of several regions of Italy which came to be called the Papal States. The Papal Sates were ruled officially by the Popes from 756 until the reunification of Italy in 1870 when the Pope lost ownership of the Papal States and his rule was drastically narrowed to the Vatican. In that process of losing temporal power to the forces of Nationalism and increasing secularism the church had to redefine to whom we have an ultimate allegiance. Pope Pius XI in 1925 dedicated the Feast of Christ the King to say that Christ is the ultimate King over all Creation. It took about sixty years of negotiations to orchestrate some sort of settlement between the Vatican and the Fascist government of Mussolini in 1929.

To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty?

In the next next decade the Christians in Germany had to face that question of ultimate loyalty with the rise of German Nationalism under the Nazis. The Nazis pushed for a German Church which would remove “foreign” elements from Christianity like the Old Testament and some of Paul's Epistles. They wanted to replace the Bible with Mein Kampt and the Cross with a Swastika. They pushed for what they called a “Positive Christianity” which would replace the old doctrines of working for peace, justice and mercy with survival of the fittest, reliance in warlike strength and power, racial purity and Hitler as the new Messiah. There was an opposing movement by some for a “Confessing Church” that in the Barmen Declaration of 1934 declared that Jesus was the only Fuhrer they would follow. Thousands of clergy and lay people were jailed and many executed as enemies of the state. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil,” warned Dietrich Bonhoeffer. “Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” The majority of Germans went to their usual churches on Sundays and said the creeds but every other day of the week supported the Nazis. A prayer written for the German Church was:
Protect, O Lord, with strength of hand,
Our people and our fatherland!
Allow upon our leader's course
To shine your mercy and your grace!
Awaken in our hearts anew
Our German bloodline, loyalty, and strength!
And so allow us, strong and pure,
To be your German youth.
To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty?

We, in the United States of America, had to redefine that same allegiance when the United States became a Republic. In North Carolina much of the property of the Church of England, which had been the Established Church, supported by taxes imposed by the British Kings, had been confiscated by the State. The North Carolina Constitution of 1776 disestablished the Anglican church. The Episcopal Church was formed out of the ruins of the old Church of England in America and struggled over the issue that we should allow a 4th of July Commemoration to show loyalty to the state. The North Carolina State Constitution, in direct violation of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution, allowed only Protestants to hold public office until 1837 when until 1870 expanded that to any Christian man. Yet with all this insistence on Christians in power, did it create any agreement for what greater ultimate allegiance of Christ meant?

William Seward who was Senator from New York and a faithful Presbyterian, speaking against slavery, which was part of our Constitution, in 1850 warned us that there is a “Higher law than the Constitution.” Whereas Episcopal Bishop Leonidas Polk of Louisiana, born in Raleigh, thought that his allegiance to the “Southern Way of Life” which included slavery called upon him to become a General for the Confederate Army. N. C. Hughes writes: “Polk accepted the appointment as major general, considering it "a call of Providence." Passionately committed to the Confederacy, he felt that it was his duty to enlist in times when "constitutional liberty seems to have fled." One example of his piety was when one of his fellow Generals, Cheatham, yelled encouragement to his troops yelling “Charge 'em boys! Give 'em Hell boys!” Bishop Polk yelled ; “Charge 'em boys! Give 'em what General Cheatham says!” Polk was killed in battle during the defense of Atlanta. The union General Sherman wrote in a dispatch: "we killed Bishop Polk yesterday and have made good progress today"

To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty?

We are a deeply divided country and have been most of our history. We spend a lot of our time yelling at people who disagree with us. Some of that yelling is to identify our own side as true Christians and the other side as outside of Christ's love.

One of my favorite scenes from a movie called The Longest Day, about the D-Day Invasion is when an Allied General after giving an order for prayers for clear skies, looking at all the fog could ground the planes giving air cover for the invasion complains; “Sometimes I wonder which side God is on? The next scene in German General Blumentritt, unable to get instructions from Hitler, complains: “This is history. We are living an historical moment. We are going to lose the war because our glorious Führer has taken a sleeping pill and is not to be awakened. Sometimes I wonder which side God is on.”

Governments do pass unjust laws and pervert justice and many voters can be made to believe lies to vote for many things that have nothing to do with God's will. Winston Churchill used to say that “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter.”

Jesus, when he is answering Pilate, does not get into the argument on who is right. He did not come to do political squabbles but to speak the truth. The truth, not opinion. Jesus says that anyone who belongs to the Truth listens to him. Our problem is that we just don't listen.Too often we baptize our own preferences with what we assume is God's approval. We do not listen because we are too busy yelling about how right we are and congratulating ourselves for God being on our side. At this point of my life, my understanding of truth is that, (1) I am not the center of the universe but I am made in God's image, (2) I am loved and blessed by God and (3) the space between me and my neighbor whom I am to love is Holy Space where God dwells. (4) God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Before I was born I lived in the River of God's love where I continue to swim in this life, sometimes against the current, and after I am dead I will be still be immersed in the sea of God's love.

What is the Higher Law? That higher law is summed up by the Prophet Micah: “What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”

To what or whom do we owe our ultimate loyalty?

Christ the King: Ultimate Loyalty
Each day I awaken again to listen
to a night dream. I struggle to hear
what the Divine whispered in my ear
so that today's action I'll Christen.
Today, I swear, it will be Your Day,
full of justice, love and mercy done,
my living as if following God's Son,
Thy Will Be Done” as I did pray.
But a tyranny of first person singular
trips me up again on all those wants
in the shadows of “Thy will” haunts
turning the Holy Wine into a vinegar.
The day now ends, falling short again,
yet bound as liege to a gracious reign.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Poem reflecting on those strong women who ran in recent election

After the dust cleared after the election and some of the "good ole boys" stayed in office by using fear and deception as campaign tools, I wanted to reflect on some of those strong women who ran  and did not make it because they held on to truth and hope for the better angels of our nature.

After The Returns Come In
Walking into the kitchen through the garage,
her sons' cars would be pulling in there soon
she had no real time to scream out of tune
then re-dress into “strong woman” camouflage.
The smile would need to be pasted back on
before she'd say the victor needs our prayers,
then she'd get to sorting out business affairs
after she went to capital city on the next dawn,
getting with party leaders about the campaign,
planing new election, search for new candidate,
look for the things that seemed to work of late,
determining who or what was to take the blame.
Her friends want to give her thanks and praise
for standing tall, speaking truth all those long days.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Performing the PlayLove Letters”
On a stage reading some imaginary Love Letters
with each other, to and for those paying guests,
entertaining ghostly times when our own breasts
shuttered with passion escaping reason's fetters.
Pat and I remembered the times when we hurt
each other when our egos got in our love's way,
pouting so that mere kindness won't hold sway,
selfishly digging our feet still deeper in the dirt.
She and I learned how life was much too short
for us holding on to agendas, postures and lies,
finding we needed to nourish hope before it dies
from prideful neglect, to answer in some court.
As we read the letters, we took the time to listen
to silence, as eyes of audience, and ours, glisten.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Come Forth Lazarus

A Reflection for Sunday after All Saints           Trinity Episcopal Church, Chocowinity, NC November 4, 2018                                            Thomas E Wilson, Guest Preacher and Celebrant
Come Forth Lazarus
The Gospel lesson for today is about the raising of Lazarus. What do we know about Lazarus?
Well, we know that he has two sisters, Mary and Martha. We know from other stories that Mary and Martha squabble with each other. Martha, the sensible one, fusses about all the housework that needs to be done and sees Mary, pretty little Mary, as a spoiled brat who fawns all over Jesus whenever he comes to visit. I wonder if Lazarus lived with a lot of tension in his own house? I wonder if he ever just longed for peace and quiet?

We know that Lazarus lives in Bethany, not all that far from Jerusalem, but out of sight of the Temple Mount. There is a scroll form Qumran that suggests that Bethany, out of sight of the Temple Mount, may have been a place for the exile of Lepers who needed to be out of sight of God's holiness. There is a story in Luke about Simon the Leper who lived in Bethany and in whose house a woman named Mary anointed Jesus at a dinner at Simon's house. So we can guess that Bethany was a place with a lot of suffering by the outcasts of society.

I remember when I was working in Macon, Georgia when the Olympics came to Atlanta. The Leaders of the Atlanta community, the Olympic Committee and the television networks were annoyed that homeless people and beggars were not the kind of image that Atlanta wanted to project, so they rounded all the riff-raft and all the buses they could and loaded them with homeless people and non-photogenic beggars and shipped them off to neighboring Georgia cities. Macon, about an hour and a half away and out of camera range of televised venues, was one of them. We already had plenty of our own homeless people and beggars but the huge influx overwhelmed our resources. I wonder if Bethany was like that when the big religious festivals hit Jerusalem and citizens like Lazarus would be overwhelmed by all the people lining up outside of his door; especially when Jesus would show up? I would if Lazarus lived in a lot of tension and resentment in his home town? I wonder if he ever just longed for peace and quiet?

We know that Bethany was in territory under the occupying forces of the Roman Empire and soldiers would push their weight around as they searched for enemies and acted as if they owned the place. There were two political parties who hated each other with each other; the Herodians, who were collaborators with the Roman occupiers for their own economic advantage, and the Zealots, who considered the only good Roman was a dead Roman. Jesus in his band of disciples had Matthew, a collaborating Tax collector, and Simon a Zealot, I wonder what it was like when Jesus and his disciples showed up with two enemies at tension with one another? I wonder if Lazarus lived in a lot of tension and resentment? I wonder if he ever just longed for peace and quiet?

Well Lazarus died, and we can assume that he had plenty of peace and quiet in his little cave. There was no more family tension, no community turmoil no political fights and rivalry. Shakespeare has Hamlet long for an escape from the cruel world:
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
Lazarus died and knew peace. Blessed Peace; but Jesus comes and calls him out of the comfortable cave, biding that he come forth, be unbound and let go to deal with all of the messiness of life.

I retired from being a Rector of a church six months and four days ago. I loved being a Rector at that church for 15 years but I was seven plus months away from the mandatory retirement age and I feared getting sloppy and leaving that as my legacy. Not only did I stop working at the church but I also stepped down for my volunteer chaplaincy work at our local hospital, hospice, fire and police departments. I crawled into my cave, read books, watched movies, visited friends and relatives, turned off the television news anytime certain politicians, whose names I will not utter, came on to spread their bombast, and quietly walked on the beach. It was lovely not having any responsibilities hanging over my head. I could no longer go to my own church during the time they try to find a new Rector so I visited churches of different denominations and became a guest with no responsibilities. At the end of 90 days I thought I would go crazy and I was afraid that my faith was dying. Faith is not about consent ot doctrines but about real life lived faithfully to love God and neighbor.

For me the story of the rising of Lazarus is, yes a story of a miracle two thousand years ago, but also a metaphor for our lives today as we are called to leave our caves of isolation and to become unbound of the cloths of isolation and move faithfully back into life in the real world. I think it took a gentle calling from Jesus, and a couple hurricanes coming close, to tell me that life is to be lived fully and cannot be avoided. We live to bring hope and care for a broken world. I am back doing volunteer chaplaincy work, did a play, supported political candidates, did supply work at some churches, helped my daughter out when she got sick, contributed time, sweat and money to various causes I think are important to a better society, and talked to friends and neighbors who are going through rough times. I have skills I can give, wisdom I can share, and love I can lavish.

Albert Einstein, who was not a Christian but did understand how we are all connected as matter in time creating energy, in a condolence letter to a friend wrote in 1950:
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. [One] experiences [oneself] . . . as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of [one’s] consciousness. . . . Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Jesus was a Jewish prophet but he spoke to a deeper truth that all religions acknowledge about coming out of our caves to live into this world. The Buddha tried to get away from the illusions of rejecting all of the world as a way of knowing peace after an early life of of the illusion of conspicuous consumption of all those pleasures. He found that both ways were unhelpful and that life was not about thoughtless consumption or about escaping life but about a middle way of being awake to the world in which we live. The very name of the Buddha means the one who is awake.

I guess the point of all this blathering at you is to say that if you find yourself longing for the peace and quiet of a cave; it is alright to go in for a while – but it is important that you come back out of the cave of comfort and get back to work faithfully in your family, your church, your community, your county, your district, your state, your nation, your world, and your universe. Jesus calls us back to who we are, we are the the ones who are formed from the stardust of the Big Bang of the Universe 14 Billion years ago when God spoke to bring into Being by having light come forth. We are connected to all of creation; even the ones we are not all that fond of. Listen, ... listen, … listen; our Lord is calling each of us to come forth to be part of God's being.

Today we are celebrating All Saints. A Saint is not someone who is perfect and perfectly good but we are just dog faced people like all of us who listen and come forth into God's Being.

Come Forth Lazarus
Oh, it is nice in this cave, away
being from all the other noise
bothering quiet, killing poise,
now it is just ME holding sway.
I survey all of which I am the ruler. ,
Yes it's very small but it's all mine,
and everything remains just FINE,
where of things I'm only consumer.
Where an F means that I'm all F-'ed up,
I is for being insecure, filled with fear,
Neurotic wanting to hold control dear
and Egotism, the feast to deeply sup.
Yet, He's gently calling me to leave cave
of my own making for my soul to save.