Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Parson Tom's Hijacked Prayer

Parson Tom's Hijacked Prayers
Poem and Reflection Outline for 2nd Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 7)

The lessons for June 23rd are:

The passage from 1st Kings is the story of Elijah, fleeing from Jezebel trying to hear God which only is able to reach him in “sheer silence”
The Psalm speaks of how the soul longs for God as the Deer longs for the water brooks,
The Epistle from Galatians says that the old identity of dutiful play actor under the direction of the law is dead and replaced by being “in” Christ.
Luke remembers Jesus healing the man possessed with many demons.

I have been thinking that I am like that man who has many demons, some acknowledged and some hidden in shadows shadow. Often when I go into prayer the demons come and tickle my ego with fantasies about how I might impress God and others with my power. The image of me as Errol Flynn, the swashbuckling Matinee Idol, is one of my demons and comes forth when I am tempted to swagger and see any difficulties as a matter of overcoming with my own energy and power like Robin Hood fighting off the Sheriff's men and conquering Lady Marian.
This poem led me to realize again how hard it was for for Elijah to stop and listen, the person ruled by rules to give up roles, and the demoniac to give up his demons. It is not something that happened 2000 years ago but happens for me each time I slow down and listen to God. This is where If I was working for a living I would sit down and write a reflection. Where would you go with it?

Parson Tom's Hijacked Prayers
Today I decide not to listen to sheer silence,
instead wanting to play with my demons
who wait inside listening for a summons
from imagination where once sought asylum.
This moment I call a road show Errol Flynn
in residence to enter with smarmy charm
being able my many enemies to disarm
while seducing new lovers' hearts to spin.
“Come me hearties; let us conquer hearts,
and prove our worth for whatever God may be!”
The problem is this God looks a lot like me
waiting in central casting office for bit parts.
But now, breathe in, out, and closely listen;
for the deepest spirit comes up to audition.

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