Friday, June 17, 2016

Stopping the Pulse: Reflection on Orlando

Stopping the Pulse
The neon of the Pulse is off because
that night is over with air lingering
coppery scent of bodies removed as
relatives notified and rites planned
lounge of “safe haven” was violated.

Rest all my brothers, sisters peace;
you pay the price for yet other egos
impressing themselves on idle Gods
created in their own frenzied image.

Your crime was to dare to live as if
it were your right to love and laugh
while they were outraged that you
hadn't noticed their invisible pain.

How could you not know what the
thoughts coursing through wired
flaming synapses were thinking?

Their vacationing God needed a
voice to displeasure that Divine
whispered into their longing ears.

Your blood gives them meaning
for by your blood they were saved,
saved from fear of an irrelevancy
as if they had never been born.

Hate finds equal opportunities:
religious, nonreligious, female,
male, straight, queer, right, left,
rich, poor, candidate or nonvoter
immigrant, home grown, self, other.

Whatever is cause/ hatred de jour.
Some proclaiming primacy of 2nd,
others resenting enforcing of 1st
but as always, any excuse will do.

We can not presume to forgive
for only you can do that, but you
can help us not to use this as our
excuse to hatefully strike back.

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