Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesdaty Poem

Ash Wednesday 2017
The party been loud and we’d a blast.
In the morning it was the time to fast.
Waxing crescent moon shone down
on all us struggling around the town.
What do we need offer to begin anew?
Promising certain ways to remain true

The party been loud and we’d a blast,
in the morning it was the time to fast.
So we looked at all the things askew
in our lives and wondered what to do.
Yes there were things that had charm,
mixed with things that were of harm.

The party been loud and we’d a blast,
nn the morning it was the time to fast.
Could we choose the easy way simple,
make decisions that’ll be as a Temple
of denying chocolate, dill, even cumin
as a way of saying we’re only human.

The party been loud and we’d a blast
in the morning it was the time to fast.
Maybe we could use this time to diet,
losing that ugly fat gaining so quiet
we hadn’t noticed that frumpy look,
a glance in the mirror was all it took

The party been loud and we’d a blast,
In the morning it was the time to fast.
How about fasting from finding fault
as an habit of making verbal assault
on people far away and out of sight
whom we abhor, are just not “right”.

The party been loud and we’d a blast
in the morning it was the time at last
to take on what needed now be done
growing into a sharper image of Son
on whom came down the spirit dove,
us sharing being able to cherish love.

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