Monday, August 12, 2024

Pat Wilson's Birthday 2024


Pat Wilson's Birthday's 2024

Remembering you in the year you never knew.

Memories of those so many of the gifts I miss:

when I'd climb into bed, you'd give me a kiss,

wishing me good dreams to see with God's view.

Or, when I'd get up to make your coffee beverage

next morning, and you'd wake up to that smell

with a new day's joy of wonderful dreams to tell

each other, our dreams being a new day's leverage.

Or, when we would stand together at the door,

wishing each other the best of this gifted day,

knowing whatever morn held, we'd still pray

that all would be redeemed, blessing us more.

Or, when I would come home and we'd snuggle,

knowing our love would overcome any struggle.

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