Thursday, October 8, 2015

Conversation in the Assisi of my Soul

A Reflection for Feast of St. Francis( Transferred to October 11, 2015)
All Saints Church, Southern Shores, NC                 Thomas E Wilson Rector

Conversation in the Assisi of My Soul

Rats! Francis, I don’t know what to do or say
about what I want. In the scripture it says I am
to leave everything behind. But what would it
look like if I left everything I knew; like my
marriage and job and house? I know that when
I shuffle off this mortal coil, or to Buffalo it all
ends any way. Rats! Who am I without a title or
structure and things to do? I find what I think is
God in moments of disciplined study and ritual
and giving care. Rats! Who am I without wife
like Pat with whom finding the sacred in space
between us? Rats, Where do I find another home
in which I retreat? I find moment closer to God
when Yoda snuggles with me as I project ideas
that he is loving me on his eyes. These are some
things I cherish and many more. I know I really
am thinking about she you call “Sister Death”
The way I might call her sister is if she was able
to cleanse me from all the garbage deep storage
bin in my soul where I keep that soft shame of
my past, indeed still present, pride, hypocrisy,
malice, lust, and greed away from light where
the rats gnaw. in the darkness. Do you not see
it is these things I cherish that help keep away
the four o’clock of the morning?”

Francis nodded and said; “Interesting mention
rats to show your disgust over persons, places,
things over which you have no control. My time
on earth we saw rats as invaders bringing disease,
and eat our meager food, or chew holes in shoes
or clothes. They compete for control of “stuff”.
Do you remember when some children brought
their pet rats for blessing? Listen with care ;I do
not like them, but I do love them for they're part
of God’s creation. In the very same way there are
parts of me, my shadows which I do not like, but
I acknowledge; I claim them, heed, embrace and
pay attention to those very sides because they are
part of what has made me who I am. The old mind-
set told us we had only two choices; one to grasp
and use for our own goals of benefit and the other
is to ignore or destroy what we can not grasp. But
Jesus says to go deeper down to where third options
give us chance to open our hands to make choices
holy, and wholly, to love all of God’s creation, as
God for, with and of all; and of all of and in us.
Existing is so much simpler if we do not love. To
grasp, consuming, ignoring or judging worth is
not living - only filling storage bins of regret.
Open your eyes, ears, hands, mind, heart, will,
imagination, and empty your storage bins of all
kinds and marvel at all that can be loved. Here
on earth are Heavenly treasures for those making
living choices to love all, even rats. Our holy world
is filled with animals, plants, minerals, stars, planets,
water and all that lives within, people, places, ideas,
ideals, hopes and dreams are worth of caring love.”

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