Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A half truth is a whole lie ~ Yiddish Proverb

I used to begin each sermon with the line from Psalm 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, *O LORD, my strength and my redeemer.”

As I am writing this, I am reading and hearing a lot about free speech. There is a situation in Corvallis, Oregon where a person has put a mural protesting the Chinese government's treatment of dissent inTibet and urging freedom for Taiwan. The Chinese consul has objected because they have a hard time not seeing this as a provocative act by our government. At the same time there are riots all over the Muslim world because a fear monger in California wanted to inflame passion against Muslims. The Muslims were inflamed by what they saw as a slanderous attack on their prophet and in the riots militants used the cover of protests as an excuse for murder. At the same time a French magazine published cartoons meant to offend Muslims and the French government closed down embassies in 20 countries so as to limit attacks in response. The editor says he is not to blame for the violence because he has been offending people of different faiths for decades. At the same time a politician in Missori gets on a high horse and proclaims as scientific fact that the female body naturally has the ability to prevent conception in the case of a “true rape” and claims the freedom of speec At the same time our airways are flooded by an obscene amount of advertisements containing attacks on opponents containing half truths and down right lies which our highest court in the land has defended as “free speech”.

giants in the land of pinocchio
I think speech ought to be free. I make my living saying things that people have a hard time hearing and in a free society we sometimes need to say shocking things in order to tell the truth. Yet with freedom I think there is a need for responsibility because every freedom has consequences. As Christians who have heard our Lord remind us that we are not to bear false witness, we cannot use our freedom as an excuse to lie until we are caught and give a non- apology apology such as “I mis-spoke.” As Christians who have heard our Lord warn us that to even call a person a “fool” is to commit murder in our heart we cannot use our freedom to insult and defame. As Christians we must stand against injustice but we must not use our freedom to encourage hate.

However, I cannot speak for other people and point an accusing finger at them until I learn to govern my own tongue. I still hear the line from the movie “Wayne's World” “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” I have the freedom to say anything I want but I ask for the strength to say only loving truth which God would want to hear me say. Pray for me a sinner.

Every Sunday I start each service with a prayer and ask the community to join me. Almighty God, to You all hearts are open, all desires known, and from You no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love You, and worthily magnify Your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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